6 Quotes & Sayings By Benjamin N Cardozo

Benjamin N. Cardozo was the Chief Judge of the New York Supreme Court from 1921 to 1930. He was also a professor of law at New York University's School of Law. He was the author of many books on law, including "The Nature of the Judicial Process" (1921), "Legal Principles of Penal Law" (1923), "On the Nature of the Common Law" (1922) and "The Nature of the Judicial Process" (1924).

In truth, I am nothing but a plodding mediocrity – please observe, a plodding mediocrity – for a mere mediocrity does not go very far, but a plodding one gets quite a distance. There is joy in that success, and a distinction can come from courage, fidelity and industry. Benjamin N. Cardozo
We are what we believe we are. Benjamin N. Cardozo
There is an accuracy that defeats itself by the overemphasis of details. I often say that one must permit oneself and quite advisedly and deliberately a certain margin of misstatement. Benjamin N. Cardozo
In law, as in every other branch of knowledge, the truths given by induction tend to form the premises for new deductions. The lawyers and the judges of successive generations do not repeat for themselves the process of verification any more than most of us repeat the demonstrations of the truths of astronomy or physics. Benjamin N. Cardozo
A trustee is held to something stricter than the morals of the market place. Not honesty alone, but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is then the standard of behavior. Benjamin N. Cardozo